Tuesday, February 22, 2011

KPMG International Speech & Table Topics Contest

It was a “fierce” competition between the 3 IS contestants.
 SURESH RAGAVAN, our International Speech (“IS”) contest champion reminded us to use our scarce commodity, the COMMON SENSE. He was hilarious relating to various common things we did or often seen when we didn’t engage our brains or simply inconvenience others with our careless behavior.
NIK JOANITA caught the Justin Bieber (“JB”) fever! She wore JB T-shirt, sang JB’s “Baby, baby,…..” and told us that she even queued for more than 4 hours to purchase JB concert tickets for her daughter and her! But all was worth it as she shared how she found the KEY TO OPEN A MILLION DOORS of her loved one.
GRACE LOH dished out the HARSH FACTS about what we threw away as rubbish eventually found its way back to us via the food chain and urged all to join in the 3Rs worldwide movement to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

The TT contest masters, Joanita unveiled the topic “Your Future depends on your dreams” to our team of brave ladies. It was a parade of 6 beauties taking their turn to share with all of us their dreams, ambitions and desires as well as how they plan
to achieve them or succeeded in attaining them.
One lady dreamed about being married and raising a football team!
Another dreamt of being a doctor and now dreams of opening her own company one day.
Yet another aspires to be a high profile and successful business woman with a secretary, driver and 2 assistants working for her.
We also had an “Angel” in our midst who dreamt of setting up her own charity organization.
An enthusiastic heart whose dreams came through when she joined KPMG.
The last was a dreamer who dared to dream big and work to achieve them as she aspires us to dream  with her and see our dreams come through too.
Table Topics (“TT”) winners: Shirley, Yi Hoong and Joo Lee with our Partner, Mr. Siew and Contest Chair, Joanita
Make a guess --- Who said what in the TT speeches above???? 

These ambitious young beauties demonstrated much wisdom as they were realistic, courageous and proactive to work at achieving their dreams. Bravo ladies and may all your dreams be fulfilled.
 We want to thank both our organizers and contest chairs, Michelle Yip (IS contest) and Joanita (TT contest), all our judges (Richard Hor, Lee Wah and Grace Chan all 3 from MIM TMC and our very own Mr. Siew Chin Kiang), roles players (Han Sern of TTDI TMC and our Ng Chee Sing) and all our participants who together, made our club’s dream of holding a highly entertaining, fun and quality contest a dream comes through.
It was definitely another proud record and milestone achievement by our club.
“Most agree that first love is the deepest. I’ll say my first participation in the TT contest is the most exhilarating experience I’ve ever had! Nerve wrecking at first but once taking on the floor, I truly enjoyed delivering the table topic. The level of enthusiasm heighten seeing positive responses from fellow audiences. I’ve done it once and am already looking forward to my next speech presentation. TM can be addictive!”
--->sharing by our newest member, Toh  Joo Lee
Next, watch out for more exciting meetings coming up. Dive in to hone your communication and leadership skills with us and contact us to grab your meeting roles and speaking slots now!!
Next few interesting meetings:
2nd Wed

Special joint meeting with WIM club
22-Mar-2011 (Tues)
4th Sat

2nd Wed

Special joint meeting with CIMA club 20-Apr-2011 (Wed)
4th Sat

Special joint meeting with WIM club
26-Apr-2011 (Tues)
Room 9
Vision room
Navigation Room
Vision Room
Inspire Room
Inspire Room (12-2:30pm)
Inspire room

Sign up for speech slots and meeting roles at level 8’s Toastmasters notice board now. It’s up!!

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